Managing Your Military Divorce While You Are Overseas

Getting divorced is a difficult and emotional process, and trying to manage a divorce while you are in the military and overseas is only that much more difficult. With a number of localized state-mandated regulations and laws, being abroad on service during a divorce is difficult because each region has its own precedent for divorce. However, there are some situations where you or your spouse can’t wait until you’re home-side. In those instances, having an experienced Blooming attorney can help. With states owning their own terms and procedures, there are some hoops you will have to jump through to just


When Spouses Don’t Take Parenting Time

Ending a married relationship through a divorce is difficult for everyone involved. But, when children are part of the equation, it can be even more complicated. Parents must think about what is best for their children and how the divorce will impact them long term. One of the most difficult decisions during a divorce is often determining custody arrangements. In some cases, one parent may be awarded primary custody while the other has visitation rights. In others, both parents may share joint custody. At the end of a lengthy custody battle, it can be refreshing to at least land on


Handling Holidays With a Custody Order After Divorce in Bloomington, IL

A child custody dispute is likely to be one of the most challenging experiences of any parent’s life, and reaching the final conclusion to this type of case can be equally relieving and distressing for some parents. Every child custody case in Bloomington rests in the hands of a family court judge who is legally bound to rule in favor of whatever will suit the child’s best interests. If you recently completed your divorce and are facing your first holiday season with a child custody order, it’s natural to worry about potential conflicts with your co-parent. The holiday season can


Changing an Estate Plan After Divorce in Bloomington, IL

Divorce can be one of the most difficult experiences of a person’s life, and any divorce is likely to cause substantial effects on their life in many ways. They may need to adjust to a child custody schedule with their ex-spouse. Divorced spouses in Illinois typically establish separate living arrangements before or during divorce proceedings. Adjusting to a new living space, a new schedule, and the emotional distress of the situation all at once can be incredibly challenging. While you likely have lots of concerns in your new post-divorce life, one thing that should not go unaddressed for long is


How to Prepare for a Bloomington, IL, Child Custody Dispute

One of the most difficult experiences any parent can face is a child custody determination. Even if they are convinced they are a fit parent deserving of custody, a Bloomington, IL, family court judge must settle custody disputes. They do this by considering as much information about the dispute as possible, but their determinations may not align very closely with the expectations of either spouse. It is natural for any parent to have doubts and fears concerning their impending custody dispute. However, this is also very disheartening for many parents because the result is entirely outside of their control. They


The Root Causes of Domestic Violence: How to Stop the Cycle Before It Begins

There is no one reason for domestic violence, but there are many factors that contribute to its cycle. By exploring the root causes of domestic violence and discussing ways to prevent it from happening, we can begin to put an end to this cycle of violence and expedite the process of individuals divorcing their abusers. Why Does Domestic Violence Occur? Domestic violence is a complex issue, and no one answer fits all cases. However, some common factors contribute to domestic violence. These include: A history of violence in the family. Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to grow