False claims of family violence

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in fathers’ rights on Friday, November 2, 2018.

There are many different fathers’ rights topics that may need to be taken into consideration by someone who is going through the end of their marriage. Not only do concerns related to the financial side of divorce often arise, such as alimony payments and calculating child support, but there are many other facets of family law that can be particularly difficult for some fathers. For example, a bitter custody dispute over kids may surface and during this battle, a father’s former partner may falsely accuse them of family violence, which could shatter their life in more than one way.

Family violence allegations can trigger a ripple effect of hardships in a father’s life, and these difficulties may be even more pronounced for someone who is trying to adjust to daily life in the wake of a recent divorce. They may be criticized by friends and family members for allegations that are completely untrue and they could even face problems related to their career. Restraining orders and being unable to spend time with kids are some other concerns for many fathers. Unfortunately, some people falsely accuse their child’s other parent of family violence because they want to win a custody battle. Or, in some instances, a father may be falsely accused of family violence by a bitter ex who wants revenge.

If you have been falsely accused of family violence or are struggling with any other fathers’ rights issue, review your rights at once. You may have much at stake and a number of legal options available.

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