Amicable split between reality TV stars turns ugly

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Monday, August 19, 2019.

It may not come as a surprise to many in Bloomington to learn that divorce proceedings can often become heated. After all, the parties involved may have spent years building up the emotion they felt for each other. When circumstances then precipitate into a divorce, those emotions often do not diminish; they simply go from good to bad. Suddenly, normally rational people may become so caught up in the affairs of another that they may be provoked into actions that they would not otherwise consider.

Such actions may include domestic violence, which is what a reality television star is alleging was perpetrated against her by her soon-to-be ex-husband. When first announcing their split, the couple pledged to work together to ensure that their divorce ended amicably (which would then assist them in raising their children together). Yet since that time, she has accused him of domestic violence on multiple occasions, even going so far as to have him arrested (however, he was never charged). He dismisses her accusations, yet she claims to have both evidence and witnesses that back up her story. She even has accused him of having a drug and alcohol problem, and has sought a restraining order.

While there certainly may be cases involving such allegations that have merit, one might also wonder when one side of a divorce dispute may be trying to simply undermine the other in order to secure a more favorable outcome to their proceedings. Whether seeking protection from domestic violence or challenging accusations of it, one may be wise to seek the guidance of an experienced attorney to help successfully navigate such a situation.

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