Settlement reached in slain state senator’s divorce case

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Monday, September 16, 2019.

Those entering into divorce cases in Bloomington may be looking forward to a swift resolution to their proceedings. At the same time, they might also be prepared to battle relentlessly over certain aspects of their cases (such as asset division). Such disagreements can cause divorce cases to linger on for months or even years, which often causes any negative feelings that may have existed between a divorcing couple to fester and grow to the point that both become so bitter and beholden to their claims that neither becomes willing to give an inch to the other.

In such cases, it often may take something drastic in order to finally reach a resolution. That appears to be what happened in an Arkansas divorce case involving a former state senator and her ex-husband. The couple had been involved in a lengthy and contentious property division dispute which involved (among other things) a substantial tax return received by the senator which her boyfriend (who supposedly had been given power of attorney by her) had attempted to deposit without disclosing the return to her ex-husband.

The former senator was recently murdered and her interest in the dispute has since passed on to her children (who were her heirs). They have since been able to reach an amicable agreement with her ex-husband involving a settlement amount.

While it need not necessarily take one’s death to settle a divorce dispute, people involved in prolonged proceedings may find it in their best interest to re-evaluate their positions in order to bring their cases to a close and move on with their lives. An experienced family law attorney may assist in making this happen.

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