What to know about supervised visitation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

Illinois parents who have gotten divorced may be restricted to having supervised visitation with their children. This generally occurs if there is reason to believe that the child could be in danger if left alone with a mother or father. Typically, visitation takes place in a public facility or at a parent’s home under the watchful eye of a social worker or other designated party. The goal is to ensure that a parent and child can maintain their relationship while a court’s concerns are being addressed.

A supervised visitation order can remain in effect for as long as necessary to ensure the safety of the child. In some cases, the order will remain in effect permanently or until a parent takes steps to establish his or her fitness to raise a son or daughter. Generally, a mother or father is required to ask a court to modify an order after it has been put into place.

If a parent is being investigated by the court, it is in his or her best interest to cooperate with the investigation. It is also important to demonstrate an ability to be a good mother or father during supervised visitation sessions. Parents who have concerns about the safety of their children are encouraged to speak with a judge as quickly as possible.

Individuals who are seeking physical or legal child custody rights will need to show that obtaining them is in their children’s best interest. Parents may have to obtain full-time employment, move closer to their kids or take parenting classes to convince a judge that this is the case. An attorney may provide more insight into what a judge may be looking for when issuing a custody order. Legal counsel may also be helpful for those who want to modify an order.

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